VM STICK 18 by Vaporesso – and the size is still in demand
Today I would like to show you another representative of the Vaporesso family – VM STICK 18 . The device is the youngest in the line of new products, but it has quite a serious chance of success and it certainly will not remain without its piece.

As it most often happens in the case of “related” devices, the novelty strongly resembles the older model, although it received a different name. To be honest, we can talk about the resemblance to the lion’s share of its similar on the market – there simply is nothing to change. At the disposal of the buyer is a regular battery and no less ordinary tank. If you want something more stylish or unusual – look into a niche more expensive.
Dimensions :
Height – 124 mm.
Diameter – 18 mm.

There is no point in hiding what is on the surface – it’s simpler than this toy to use only disposable “vapes”. But given how the market has changed lately, simplicity is only a plus. I am sure that among our readers there are also enough who do not need more. An unambiguous plus, I would also call the ability to use the components of the set with other devices.